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Exporting your orders data

How to export CSV and PDF records of your Experiences App orders.

Updated over a week ago

At the top of the Experiences App window on Shopify you will find a button to Export your orders. This allows you to do the following:

  • Export all of your orders, or on a per-experience basis

  • Choose the date range
    - No limit (all time)
    - Today
    - Future (only future bookings)
    - By date (choose a custom date range)

  • Export as CSV or PDF

The report will produce the following fields and corresponding data:

  • Experience Name

  • Shopify Order ID

  • Starts At

  • Ends At

  • Order Created At

  • Customer Email

  • Customer First Name

  • Customer Last Name

  • Price paid

  • Quantity

  • Variant purchased

  • Payment Type

  • Paid

  • Checked In?

Also, if an order has more than one attendee, that information will also be provided. e.g. Bill Smith paid for 4 people to attend your experience, the report will provide the information for each attendee if it's provided.

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